The World of Watercolor

Watercolor is simply understood as water and color. We all know that watercolor  works  with  water. The best thing about watercolor is that it is cheap and convenient. It suits extremely  well in outdoor or plein air painting as well. One simply needs a watercolor, a bucket, a pallete, a paper and a towel or paper for wiping the excess water. Then we are ready to enter the exciting world of watercolor.
                         But its not that simple as it sounds. Trails and errors are the characteristics of this journey. We should develop our friendship with color day by day. One needs to have a desire to master it and patience to learn slowly and continuously. I am not a master to give the absolute  knowledge about watercolor. I am just a learner and feel  that writing about my experience helps me to ponder over it.
                         There are many techniques and art styles. We need to have basic knowledge  of techniques  like plain wash, graded wash, variegated wash, glazing and so on. Accidentally  we may get different  result and we may develop it as a technique. Mastering the techniques is very essential  in the application of watercolor. But its not the ultimate goal. We should try to paint our feeling  towards the subject.
                         I have been painting  for couple of years. As a beginner I just try to paint as it is. But I didn't know that playing with light and shade is more important. Now I realized that showing every details is not necessary. We should have the ability to cut the unnecessary things and highlight  the important  ones. In other medium, we have the chance for correction . But in watercolor we get very little chance. so its also more challenging. Once again practice and patience is the key to success.
Its midnight and I am going  to bed. Of course the world of watercolor is too big. Even a  book is small to cover all the aspects. So its just a beginning of my writing and sharing my knowledge  and little experience . I am writing  for beginners or amateurs like me. Good night.

12:07 am


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